Sunday, February 28, 2016

Culture and Religion in Nepal

Since Nepal was declared federal democratic republic nation, the people of Nepal living in various society got right to establish there own religion belief so thereafter Nepal is known as multi religious to the entire world. Due to its huge diversified land division people living in the various regions in different ethnic groups they follow their own way of religious practice, lifestyle, language, culture and tradition with ever peace of harmony in society. About 80% of total populations are Hindu religion follower lives in the all over Nepal’s east to west up to Maha Bharat range in north, about 10% Buddhist religion people among live bellow of Himalayan region to mid hill, valleys and in towns together 4% Muslim religious people and rest of other religious people live in different parts of the country. 

Religion in Nepal is not only a system of social coherence based on certain rituals and beliefs. It is the binding force that ties this mountain kingdom together. Though Nepal is famous as the world's only Hindu Kingdom, equal respect is given to other religions as well. Buddhism is the second largest religion followed in Nepal, others being Tantrism, Islam and Christianity.

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