Saturday, November 1, 2014

Tehrathum, Dhankuta, Taplejung, Panchthar, Ilam, Jhapa, Morang and Sunsari. Their scripture is called Mundhum.

Their tribal and unique fortress prominently known as Limbuwan compasses in Nepal from Arun River to the east and Sikkim and West Bengal conditions of India to the west. In Nepal, Limbus live and work in the regions of Sankhuwasabha, Tehrathum, Dhankuta, Taplejung, Panchthar, Ilam, Jhapa, Morang and Sunsari. Their scripture is called Mundhum. Phedangma, Shamba and Yeba-Yema are their sacrosanct authorities. They commend the move celebrations of Kelang prevalently known Chyabrung (two-sided drum) and Yarak (Paddy move) as significant occasions. Limbus have their own particular script called Kirat-Sirijonga. There are numerous books written in the Limbu dialect. Their confidence is revered in the evergreen Cynodondactylon (dubo) grass and rocks. They cremate their dead. The number of inhabitants in the Limbus, as indicated by the evaluation of 2001, is 359,255. 

Dialect and Script: 

Limbu dialect is a part of Tibeto-Burman dialect gang. Limbu dialect has four primary tongues: Panthere, Phedape, Tamarkhole and Chhathare. Limbu dialect has 9 vowels sound, and 25 consonants. Promonolisation, three numbers (particular, double, and plural) with comprehensive and elite in double and plural numbers in first individual, and glottal stop are a percentage of the attributes of Limbu dialect. 

Limbu dialect has its own particular script known as "Kirt-Sirijonga Script". As per numerous antiquarians, King Sirijonga designed "Kirat-Sirijonga Script" in the late ninth Century. It vanished for a long time and reintroduced by Te-ongsi Sirijonga (accepted to be resurrection of King Sirijonga), in seventeenth Century. In 1925, Iman Singh Chemjong (Limbu researcher) named the script, after the name of Sirijonga who had set out his life for the safeguarding and advancement of Script in 1743 A.d. 

Society and Tradition: 

Limbus have unique society and convention. The life theory of Limbus is focused around Mundhum. Mundhum is an oral scripture, it contains cosmology, cosmogony, mithology, stories and history of Limbu individuals. The life customs of Limbu are focused around Mundhum. Limbus traditions, belief systems, good values, contemplations are guided by Mundhum. Despite the fact that it is not in the composed structure, it is regularly refered to by Limbus amid their life-cycle. Mundhum is an essential archive for Limbu laymen, and Phedangma, Samba, Yeba, Yema and Bijuwas (Limbu Shamans). These Limbu shamans have been discussing this scripture "Mundhum" from the time of immomemoral amid the execution of custom and customs. They are the overseers of Mundhum. These shamans are entertainers as well as healers. They bear information of this world and the other world, restorative innovation, sicknesses, plants, creatures, and so on. They have vital place in Limbu society. 

A portion of the vital ceremonies/customs of Limbus amid their life-cycle are: 

Sappok Chomen (womb ceremony): Sappok Chomen is an imporant ritual, this is finished the safe conception, great wellbeing of mother and tyke. This is carried out amid six to nine month pregnancy. This custom is critical in tyke and mother's life. In the event that a faimily can't perform this custom amid the pregnancy then they need to do it after the conception. This custom is performed for three days, initial two days outside the house and the third day inside the house. Amid the custom is isolated into different parts: (a) Pacha Khengma or loving of the educator to spare from wickedness divine beings and goddesses, terrible spirits amid the custom, (b) kudap or revering of regular divine beings and goddesses, (c) Pacha Hanma or pangve chemma, which is custom to dispose of guarantees that has been made (d) adoring of the god and goddess of family unit i.e. Yuma and Theba Sammang. (e) adoring of Pakchanama and Wagongma for the wellbeing of pregnent lady and (f) execution of Mangenna for the great soundness of pregnent lady. Thusly custom touches each part of life, which could be hurtful to pregnent ladies and her infant so she could have sound kid and safe conveyance. 

Yangdang Phongma (conception ceremony): This ritual/custom is identified with the naming of the child and purging the house. The exacting significance of Yangdang Phongma is hung a coagulate. This custom/custom is carried out in three days for young lady and four days for kid, after the conception. At the point when a child is conceived, the house is considered as tainted and henceforth this custom sanitizes the house. Amid the custom, child is demonstrated to sun and infant melody is sung. 

Changma Lekma (change dress): When kids achieve the time of immature, they were given new garments. Young men were given Daura-Suruwal (masculine garments), khukuri (blade), bow and shaft, and they were taught some ethical values that man ought to learn, for example, chasing abilities, not to offer blossom to his sister, ought not blend his garments and utensils with his sisters, figure out how to make arms, and so forth. This is the evidence that kid has transformed into masculinity and he ought to learn manly values. Essentially, young ladies are given Gunyu (womenly garments ), trimmings, extras, shawal, sickel, and so forth. She is outfitted with life-expertise, for example, sewing, weaving, and other good values. Along  these  lines, she is taught to be ladylike. 

Metkkhim (marriage): 

Metkkhim is carried out in two way, one is orchestrated marriage and the other is marriage by elopement. Marriage is a long process; as a matter of first importance folks of man of the hour ought to offer two jug of home made wine in two steps: deranakma and pantapma, to lady's guardians to affirm the marriage. In the event that they acknowledge the flasks of wines and they settle the marriage date. Marriage is commended in different stages; first a gathering of individuals from lucky man side goes to spouse's home. In the spouse's home, arrangement is made for the goodbye and lady is sent to prep's home with her Metkesama or Menchhyaburukma (lady's companions). All the ceremonies of marriage is performed in groom's home. There are two sorts of metkkhim, one is organized and other is elopement. 

Netma/Khauma (passing custom): 

Passing custom is likewise a long process. At the point when an individual bites the dust, s/he is given shower, put on new garments, and he is put